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Woodbridge Cruise July 2020

03 August 2020

At last Boris released us to go boating.

Having not been able to run our East Coast or Amsterdam cruises or our two planned Southwold trips, we had a lot of customers very keen to get out to sea so we put plans together for a Woodbridge run.

On Monday 13th July our 12 boats departed Great Yarmouth with a forecast of South Westerly F3-4 veering westerly.  We were hopeful for a decent sea state.  In the event the wind was at the top end of the forecast and more southerly than westerly, with the ‘wind over tide’ conditions.  The ride was certainly not as smooth as we like but the boats took it in their stride.

Once around Orfordness conditions improved.  As we made our way down to the Woodbridge Haven buoy.  From there across the Deben Bar and its an hour and a half run up the very picturesque Rive Deben to the Tidemill Yacht Harbour.

We spent two nights at Tidemill, who were as well organised and accommodating as ever.  On Wednesday morning we departed and made our way to Lowestoft.  Sea state was pretty much flat calm and it was sunny.

After a relaxing afternoon, we gathered at the Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club for an appropriately social distancing dinner in the Clubhouse.  We left just before 9 o’clock the following morning and made our way back to Great Yarmouth and the Broads.

One response to “Woodbridge Cruise July 2020”

  1. Simon says:

    In these very testing times NYA delivered an excellent safe cruise as usual thank you to you all a great trip and good to be out on our boats
    Thank you James and all at NYA
    from Simon Wendy Graham and Caroline

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