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15 August 2013

Ipswich Cruise
9th – 12th August 2013

On Friday 9th August 2013, 15 boats congregated at Berney Arms for a 08:30 Skippers briefing. After discussion about the route, weather and sea state, the boats departed hoping to go straight to Ipswich but with the option of Lowestoft in mind if the sea state was not comfortable.

Once out of the harbour, the forecast south westerly , was in reality due south and equally picking up white horses on the residual swell from the night before, with all boats reporting they were happy to carry on, we pushed on to Lowestoft and then to the bottom of the Stanford Channel.

With the sea state not improving, the support crews decided it would be sensible to head into Lowestoft and wait for the tide to turn and the wind to drop and re-assess the conditions at 14:30

When we headed back out at just after 1500hrs and after a serious rain shower, conditions were much more pleasant as we headed south to Ipswich. Once round Orfordness, the sea state was ideal as we made our way down the Sledway towards Felixstowe. By the time we had locked through into the Ipswich Haven Marina it was 2200hrs but the group were in good spirits & the lovely Linda from the marina office stayed to see us safely in.

On Saturday the crews spent a leisurely day in Ipswich whilst Engineers Speedo & Simon were busy checking the fleet and sorting various issues. At 1600hrs the bar on Arabella was opened as has become the tradition and the crews all gathered for a few drinks and to exchange experiences and make new friends. Later the crews departed to various restaurants in Ipswich.

On Sunday afternoon, the fleet headed out of the Haven Marina and on to Woolverstone Marina, a few miles down river. Everyone gathered at the Buttermans Restaurant for drinks and dinner.

The following morning, we set off for Great Yarmouth at 0945. The boats enjoyed a good run in good conditions arriving at Great Yarmouth at 1420.

Another great cruise in good company.

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