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14 May 2024

Haven Bridge – Great Yarmouth

Haven Bridge – Great Yarmouth

Following the news in February that Great Yarmouth’s Haven Bridge was once again fully operational, Peel Ports have now announced that they’ll no longer be operating the bridge for the foreseeable future.

In a Notice to Mariners (Peel Ports No.23 2024), Peel ports have said that the reason is to a perceived risk to pedestrians and vehicles immediately following a lift.

Peel Ports state, ‘Mariners are hereby advised that owing to health and safety concern raised by Great Yarmouth Port to Norfolk County Council, Great Yarmouth Port are unable to accept the responsibility and risk related to pedestrians and vehicles experienced during the immediate period prior to the lifting of the Haven Bridge for Navigational purposes.

We have proposed an interim solution to Norfolk County Council, however this has not been progressed by them. Therefore, Great Yarmouth Port are currently unable to accept bookings for Haven Bridge lifts for Navigational purposes, and we advise you that any correspondence on this matter be passed to Norfolk County Council who are the owners and responsible party for the overall safety of Haven Bridge.

This restriction does not impact any vessels that are able to pass safely under the bridge, who should continue to operate in the normal manner with communication with LPS.’

Please note that for craft who can pass under Haven Bridge a £20 statutory charge is in place for pre-booked vessels and a £40 charge for ad-hoc passages has recently been introduced for all leisure craft transiting the Port. We suggest that our customers and fellow boaters who are affected by the rescinded operation of the bridge contact Norfolk County Council by email to Mark North on

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